We "pre-prune" the vines in February, removing last
year's fruiting canes. We delay pruning until March. This allows
us the longest possible period before we have to worry about frost,
and therefore frost protection. It's the new buds that are at
risk of frost damage, and by delaying pruning we slow down their
development. We are on frost alert through May.

Here we're considering how we want to prune this vine. We look
at its productivity last season, and how we can best balance its
growth in the coming season. We always work on the same vine,
one on each side. It takes us about 5 minutes per vine to complete
pruning and tying down the fruiting canes.
Pruning usually takes us three to four weeks, in all kinds of

Because we do the entire vineyard ourselves, we use electric shears,
operated from a power pack worn on our backs.
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